Home Rocky Coast | Point Lobos, CA

Rocky Coast | Point Lobos, CA


Whenever I mention my past trips and (God willing) upcoming move to California, the response I usually get is something like The eternal summer and sandy beaches for days. Although inviting and beautiful, it’s not the California I, personally, fell in love with. It’s the golden hills of Tehachapi, high desert landscape and rocky coast that pulls at my heartstrings (insert shōjo anime scene with Risa Koizumi).

A week before Christmas, Travis and I took a trip to Monterey Bay, an area known for its rugged coast and marine life. Unfortunately, due to bad weather, the road to scenic Big Sur was closed and since we only stayed for a couple of days, we explored one of the local gems: Point Lobos State Natural Reserve. We weren’t disappointed. Per usual, we thrive during bad weather which usually means having the trail for ourselves. The same thing happened in Sequoia when a bit of rain emptied out the park in a matter of minutes, much to our delight.

I loved the little cabin/museum where you can learn about the area’s history in sardine and whaling industry. It was a melting pot of fishermen that came from every corner of the world, including Croats. Hope you enjoy the photos as much as we enjoyed taking them. (Travis helped by not being in the way. ^^) God bless!

Photos taken with a Fuji X-T3 + 23mm 1.4 & Nikon D800 + 50mm 1.4 G

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